Why You Should Offer A “Shop Now, Pay Later” Payment Method
“ Shop Now, Pay Later ” solutions offer a new twist on point of sale financing for retailers with simple installment plans. They are designed not only to help consumers finance purchases conveniently but also allow retailers to add new sales channels and manage costly abandoned carts without looking for new sources of capital. Buy now pay later credit solutions are a proven way to increase sales for merchants. In addition to increasing sales, offering this payment option captures the interest of consumers for future purchases. There are many benefits to adding an installment payment solution to merchants, including: Reaching New Customers You want to offer multiple ways to pay, because not all your customers carry credit cards. Younger generations especially like using their debit cards, as well as apps like Paypal to complete transactions. With Pinelabs Payments, you can accept any kind of online payments that you think will help to build your business with offering buy n...